Guided Breathing Exercises

We can all use a moment to catch our breath, rest, and breathe.

Co-Founder and Director of our Bryant Park Clinic, Kristen Scarlett, is here to guide you through breathing exercises that can heighten performance concentration, reduce anxiety and stress, and/or slow your heartbeat.


4-7-8: This breathing pattern aims to reduce anxiety or help you get to sleep.

Breathe in through the nose for 4 counts

Hold the breath for 7 counts

Exhale breath through mouth for 8 counts

Repeat this cycle 5 - 10 times.

Box Breathing: This breathing pattern can heighten performance and concentration while also being a powerful stress reliever.

Breathe in through the nose for 4 counts

Hold the breath for 4 counts

Exhale breath through mouth for 4 counts, expelling the air from your lungs and abdomen

Hold the breath for 4 counts

Repeat this cycle 5 - 10 times.

Belly Breathing: This breathing pattern encourages full oxygen exchange — that is, the beneficial trade of incoming oxygen for outgoing carbon dioxide. This type of breathing slows the heartbeat and can lower or stabilize blood pressure.

Place your hand on your belly and feel your belly rise as you breathe in.

Breathe in through your nose. Feel your belly fill up.

Exhale breath through your mouth. Feel your belly deflate.

Repeat this cycle 5 - 10 times.

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Kristen Scarlett, LMHC

Kristen Scarlett, LMHC, is the Co-Founder and Clinic Director at Octave’s Bryant Park Clinic. She is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and a Nationally Certified Counselor, with over 20 years of experience working with patients on various issues, including depression, anxiety, insomnia, OCD, and relationship problems.

Have any questions or would like to learn more? We’re here for you at